The 2020 WBECS Full Summit has been awarded an EMCC Global Bespoke Quality Award (EQA).
This means you can use the training you receive as evidence towards securing your own EMCC Global Individual Accreditation (EIA).
By combining your prior learning, practice and experience with your learning during the summit, you can meet the criteria required for both your EQA and EIA.
By completing the survey you will begin your journey by indicating which level of accreditation you believe you will be eligible for.
This is how you will earn your training credits for your EQA, in addition to your validated prior learning and experience.
Founded in Europe, EMCC Global is recognised as a leading worldwide Global Professional Body to support Leaders, Mentors, Coaches and Supervisors. If you are not already a member, you can join via the EMCC Global website.
After the Summit is completed on April 1st 2021, WBECS will recommend you for Accreditation depending on how many hours you have completed and your prior experience.
Get a 70% discount for your EMCC Global Individual Accreditation - EIA. Once the Full Summit has finished (April 1st, 2021), and providing you have reached the requirements for accreditation, WBECS will recommend you for accreditation and send you your discount code.
Complete the survey to find out which level of accreditation you are eligible for.
or press button below.