As coaches, there is so much to learn from one another. One great aspect of having such a vast and supportive coaching community at WBECS, is discovering and celebrating fresh talent. New and potential thought leaders deserve a platform from which to offer insight, Coach Showcase provides exactly that.

The Coach Showcase is a popular feature of the WBECS Full Summit. It gives members the opportunity to present as guest speakers. Ordinarily, only Full Summit pass holders have access to these sessions. This year, access to one of these incredible Coach Showcase sessions is available to all members of the WBECS Community for Coaches - at no cost.

Join Karen Lam for her presentation, Asking LOADED Questions to Ignite Transformation on Wednesday, February 2, 9:00am ET!

Secure Your Free Spot

In this session, you’ll discover the ability to elicit rational & emotional dimensions in any issue. An easy go-to framework to unlock crucial conversations. Courage and confidence to ask tough questions with a clear goal in mind.

BONUS: Get Free Access to WBECS Community for Coaches

By registering for this session you will get exclusive free access to this community. A place away from social media where professional coaches can connect, collaborate and celebrate together as a community.

Register Now and Get Free Access to
WBECS Community for Coaches

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the Session?

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