Politics plays a major role in every part of our lives. Although as coaches we like to see ourselves as above the murk of political intrigue, the reality is that we cannot avoid politics, whether it is in helping our clients navigate through the complexities of organizational loyalties, the rivalries between professional bodies, or how we position our own coaching practice versus those of competitors. If we want to be authentic, we can’t be political. Yet we can’t survive without being politically aware and politically astute.
So, what does this mean for us in how we manage ourselves and our client relationships? And in how we help clients remain authentic in sometimes toxic organizational environments? What political dilemmas do coaches commonly encounter and what challenges do these provide for us? In this pre-summit webinar we shall explore all these questions and more.
Carl Jung, one of the founders of the field of psychology, developed the notion of the Shadow to represent the aspects of being human that we do not acknowledge in ourselves. Instead, we project them onto others so we do not have to face them.
While this is a normal developmental process when we are young, it becomes a challenge later in life when we need these attributes in order to mature.
This is particularly true when we face adversity, need to make new choices, and address issues related to the second half of life. This is particularly true in a time of increasing polarization, a sure sign that we are not dealing well with our Shadows at either a personal or collective level.
In this session, Dr. David Drake will introduce the basic concepts related to the Shadow, why it is essential for our growth, how to listen for it in your client’s stories, and a coaching process to help clients reclaim their Shadow and use it in learning from and moving through adversity. This session builds on his work in putting mindfulness in motion and will enable you to help your clients do more than just cope.
Many of us as coaches, who are learners by nature, take many courses, study with many people, and try to hold a lot of new insights in our brains. If we have a life long dedication to learning, we often hold information that may be blocking us from integrating new wisdom and knowledge.
This session will talk about how to identify ways to cleanse your mind to create space for new thinking and to allow the energy of transformation to find its way into your aspirations. Learn how your DNA is influenced by healthy dynamics. We will leave this session having learned the five practices that shape our DNA.
A major pitfall of all coaches is to focus on the topics or problems clients bring to their sessions. When you follow this path, you might help them explore and choose options, but you don’t find the reasons the problems occurred and are difficult to solve. You coach the external problem instead of the person. As a result, the problem will show up over and over in many ways in the future. In this scenario, you act more of a guide than coach. If you instead shift to being curious as to why your smart and resourceful clients can’t figure out these solutions on their own, you will be able to discover what needs to be addressed in a way that your clients can see solutions and possibilities on their own. You expand their thinking and create more breakthrough experiences. This session will help you shift from problem solving to coaching the human in front of you. You will rapidly advance your mastery of coaching skills.
We spend our days becoming better coaches. We read the books, do the training, be part of WBECS. We polish our questions and our presence and our processes. We’re on the path towards mastery.
But a coaching relationship is a relationship. There’s another person involved. And when the coachee is good, it’s great. You finish a session and you fist-pump: I love my client, I love my job, I LOVE COACHING!
And, more times than we’d care to admit, a coaching conversation can be a little bit … meh. Not terrible, exactly. But underwhelming, somewhat ho-hum.
In this provocative, interactive and surprisingly enjoyable webinar, we’ll take a good look at the dark side of coaching. We’ll look at some of the ways our clients can subtly or perhaps not so subtle opt out of showing up fully, and how we as coaches can collaborate.
Join our Full Summit and gain access to a wealth of
full-length sessions from our greatest line-up yet!