Jeff Hull Photo

Jeff Hull

  • Highly sought-after Executive Coach & Clinical Instructor in Psychology at Harvard Medical School

Jeff Hull Biography

I have been an executive coach and organizational psychologist for over twenty years — but I think of myself more as an organizational anthropologist: I am always on the lookout for the patterns, the shifts the undercurrents of change that our places of work experience on a daily basis. I work with all kinds of leaders — young and not-young, C-suite and CEO to first line manager — and my passion is helping every one of my clients unleash their full potential as a leader no matter where they sit.

In spite of what we see in the politically charged 24-hour news cycle with autocratic leaders rising into power in many countries, I actually see a quiet revolution on the leadership landscape that is taking us in a completely different direction — away from authoritarian, top down alpha style leadership more towards a collaborative, inclusive, partnering approach to leading — where the goal is not just to drive to a result, but to generate the best ideas and leverage the creativity of everyone.

Jeff Hull Photo

Jeff Hull

  • Highly sought-after Executive Coach & Clinical Instructor in Psychology at Harvard Medical School

Coaching Leaders in a Time of Crisis

Session length: 90 minutes

2020-04-09T09:00:00-04:00 Thursday, April 9, 13:00 UTC

The current global pandemic has created an unprecedented challenge for all of us. In times of crisis, flexible, adaptive leadership becomes even more crucial for keeping teams, organizations and entire communities engaged and feeling supported. Coaches can be especially helpful at a time when leaders feel isolated, stressed and pressured to perform their best. 

How can we best help? What are the opportunities in the midst of a crisis to help foster resilience and agility in our leaders? What is the role of coaches in turning a crisis into a transformational moment – of growth, learning, and opportunity for leaders to step up?